CORESPONDENȚĂ DIN ANTALYA. FC Botoșani încearcă să schimbe parcursul din Superliga în această iarnă iar schimbarea de antrenor produsă de patronul Valeriu Iftime l-a scos din scenă pe Liviu Ciobotariu și l-a adus pe bancă pe […] The post Valeriu Iftime dezvăluie toate culisele schimbării de antrenor la FC Botoșani: „Băi, de ce nu aleargă Mouaddib? Am tot felul de doctori în fotbal pe lângă mine. N-am crezut că mă despart de Liviu Ciobotariu!” VIDEO EXCLUSIV appeared first on Prosport.
The main conceptual idea is Valeriu Iftime, the owner of FC Botoşani, is revealing the behind-the-scenes details and his feelings about the recent coaching change at the club.
He expresses surprise and disappointment about parting ways with former coach Liviu Ciobotariu, hinting at pressure from external "experts" who influenced his decision. He questions the performance of the current coach, Mouaddib, suggesting a lack of understanding or agreement on the team's playing style.
The main conceptual idea is Valeriu Iftime, the owner of FC Botoşani, is revealing the behind-the-scenes details and his feelings about the recent coaching change at the club. He expresses surprise and disappointment about parting ways with former coach Liviu Ciobotariu, hinting at pressure from external "experts" who influenced his decision. He questions the performance of the current coach, Mouaddib, suggesting a lack of understanding or agreement on the team's playing style.